Al Aseels Luna

Al Aseel Luna

We are thrilled to introduce Al Aseel Luna, a promising young Boerboel who represents the future of our breeding program. At just 15 months old, Luna has shown exceptional potential, and we are incredibly pleased with how she is developing.

Luna is the proud product of our very first litter, stemming from Ataraxia 007 and Iron Jaws Rosie. Her lineage is a testament to the legacy of the Boerboel breed:

Grandsir: Both Rosie and 007 share Maestro Napoleon. Grandair of Rosie and Sir of 007, making Luna a 3:11 line bred bitch on this pure Piona blood Boerboel. This close connection to the old-school Piona bloodline is a privilege and forms the foundation of our breeding program.


Rosie’s Influence: Luna’s dam, Iron Jaws Rosie, is a Boerboel of remarkable temperament and strength, with a lineage that combines high-percentage Piona blood with influences from the Ysterberg line.

007’s Legacy: Her sire, Ataraxia 007, brings further strength and consistency to Luna’s genetic makeup, ensuring a balance of temperament, structure, and guarding instinct.

Promising Development 

Luna has consistently demonstrated the correct temperament, a cornerstone of what we strive for in our Boerboels. She embodies a nurturing nature, displaying a gentle and family-oriented demeanor. At the same time, she confidently guards the homestead, showcasing the protective instincts inherent in the breed.

While her bone structure has not developed to the extent we initially hoped, Luna’s head and overall construction show significant promise, reflecting the strong influence of her pedigree. We look forward to seeing how her health evaluations and future development unfold as she matures.

Al Aseel Luna represents more than just a new generation; she is the beginning of a carefully planned legacy. With her close ties to the old-school Piona bloodline through Maestro Napoleon, she is a foundational Boerboel for intertwining genetic influences that will shape our breeding program for years to come.

We are excited to see how Luna continues to develop and how her influence will contribute to the future of the Boerboel breed. For now, she remains a cherished member of our family, embodying the qualities we hold dear in this magnificent breed.