The Legacy of the Piona Bloodline – Written by Karim Ahmed Owner of Al Aseel Boerboels, in consensus with Mr Regan Campbell and Mr Kobus Rust
In the rich tapestry of the Boerboel breed’s history, there exists a legacy that stands as a testamentto the enduring passion and dedication of breeders. The Piona Bloodline, an indelible mark in theworld of Boerboels, weaves a compelling narrative that spans decades and transcends geographicalboundaries. It’s a tale of resilience and innovation, of one man’s unwavering commitment to breedimprovement, and of the remarkable dogs that bore the torch of this lineage. This article embarks ona journey through time, tracing the footsteps of Abrie Pio and his Piona bloodline as they left anindelible imprint on the world of Boerboels. Journey with us as we explore the fascinating history,breeding philosophy, and lasting influence of the Piona Bloodline, a story that continues to resonatewith breed enthusiasts worldwide. A Political Divide: SABT’s Turbulent Years A decade after the establishment of the South African Boerboel Breeders Society, politics began toinfiltrate the breeding community. A rift emerged between Northern and Southern breeders, drivenby fear and mistrust. The Northerners were apprehensive about the capabilities of their Southerncounterparts, and this divide led to a reluctance to allow Southern breeders to participate in themanagement of the SABT. Notably, the absence of a single Southern dog North of the Orange Riverwas striking and unequivocal – a stark testament to the division that had taken root. The Meeting of Two Visionaries: Kobus Rust and Abrie Pio Kobus Rust, a Founding Member of the SABT and a key contributor to the formulation of theBoerboel breed standard, is a respected figure in the Boerboel community. His journey took anintriguing turn when, in the late 80s, he crossed paths with a man by the name of Abrie Pio in thescenic landscapes of the Cape, South Africa. Kobus found himself captivated by Abrie’s meticulousapproach to breeding and his unwavering commitment to perfection.Abrie Pio, a man with an extraordinary dedication to his craft, was not only a food specialist but alsoa breeder of monkeys. Alongside him stood Wena, his beloved wife, who possessed a uniqueconnection with wild Vervet Monkeys, earning their trust even in times of drought.Kobus vividly remembers Abrie Pio as a meticulous individual who left no detail unexamined. Theirconversations often extended for hours, delving into the intricate construction of dogs and exploringthe influence of environmental factors. Abrie’s commitment to understanding the breed standardwas unwavering, as he tirelessly sought clarity by asking questions and repeatedly referencing keypoints. His dedication extended beyond breeding to the care and improvement of the bloodline.The encounter between Kobus and Abrie Pio marked the union of two visionary minds in the worldof Boerboels, setting the stage for a legacy that would leave an indelible mark on the breed. The Birth of the Piona Bloodline In the early 90s, during the inaugural Boerboels appraisal tour, Abrie Pio embarked on a journey thatwould mark the birth of the renowned Piona bloodline. Their expedition led them to the EasternCape, where they encountered a remarkable dog in the care of Reverend Viviers, nestled in thequaint town of Aberdeen. This canine guardian had been raised within the confines of a goat pen,protecting the Reverend’s milk goats. Abrie Pio was deeply impressed by this exceptional bitch.Driven by a vision, Abrie Pio continued his quest, venturing into the Eastern Transvaal to explore theLourina group of dogs. Their journey took them through the picturesque landscapes of the Cape,where they were once again captivated, this time by Reverend Viviers’s canine companion,Graswater Toska, hailing from Namibia.With a burning desire to secure the bloodline, Abrie Pio reached out to Mr. Gerhard Cloete, theowner of Graswater Boerboels, in a determined effort to have Graswater Toska bred. However,Reverend Viviers was initially uninterested in breeding and reluctant to grant permission for AbriePio to breed with the cherished bitch. It was only through Mr. Abrie’s persuasive efforts thatReverend Viviers agreed, with a unique stipulation that would see Gerhard Cloete receive half of theresulting litter.Abrie Pio, armed with unwavering determination, paired Graswater Toska with a remarkable malenamed Donkerhoek Kaalpoot, a dog that had left an indelible impression on him during the tour. Theunion produced a litter, albeit a modest one with just three pups, and sadly, one of them did notsurvive.Not to be deterred, they approached Reverend Viviers once more, persuading him to allowGraswater Toska to mate with Donkerhoek Kaalpoot once again. This time, their efforts yielded alarger litter, including the notable Piona Vegter and his four sisters, marking the inception of theillustrious Piona bloodline. Genesis of the Bloodline: The Founding Pairings On that inaugural appraisal tour, Abrie also uncovered another male in the Eastern Cape, bred by theesteemed Reverend Buys and named Dopper Oubaas. He successfully acquired this dog from itsprevious owner, marking the beginning of his bloodline legacy.Abrie’s breeding strategy involved utilizing all of Piona Vegter’s sisters with Dopper Oubaas andsubsequently pairing the female offspring back to Piona Vegter, followed by crossing Piona Vegter’sdaughters with Dopper Oubaas. This meticulous approach, sustained across several generations,yielded remarkable results.Furthermore, the infusion of genetics from the Smit dogs, originating from Donkerhoek Kaalpoot,and the influence of the Lourina dogs from the Eastern Transvaal, through two bitches acquired fromPieter Smit’s renowned kennel (Smit Tinka and Smit Tessa), significantly enriched the Pionabloodline. Pieter Smit, a celebrated Boerboel breeder, consistently produced exceptional dogs andplayed a pivotal role in this bloodline’s development. Lourina, Donkerhoek, Waaksaam, and Jansu Bloodlines There were four distinct groups of dogs known as Lourina, Donkerhoek, Waaksaam and Jansu dogs.Despite being different breeders, they all shared the same canine lineage. Although each groupeventually claimed significant success, their origins traced back to a common set of dogs.Rina Louw initiated the Lourina Bloodline and later passed it on to her husband’s brother’s son. Hecontinued breeding Lourina dogs but faced challenges due to inbreeding, involving Lourina Mackwith close relatives like his own mother, sister, daughter, and granddaughter.Schalk Louwrens, a relative of Rina Louw, represented Waaksaam. Donkerhoek, managed by GertSteenkamp, was Schalk Louwrens’ uncle. Donkerhoek also oversaw the operations of Jansu Kennelsas farm manager, located in a rural town in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.Donkerhoek Kaalpoot, the foundational dog in the birth