Our  Dogs

Pine Ridge Jaws

One of our foundation Bitches. She stems from Al Asaad Roshan Le Piona and Dandeloo Shelby Le Piona. Heavy breed on Piona from both the dam and sire’s lineage. She was agile, fluid in movement, a great guard dog and displayed an even temperment with children. She is the great grand daughter of Piona Klonkie.

Ataraxia Dutch

The son of Al Asaad Grindle and Ataraxia Bunny. He boasts the linage of the following boerboels combined. Ataraxia Snowy Ataraxia Pug, who carries a 3:11 lineage from Kema Brutus Al Asaad Sharukh le Piona, the son of Piona Klonkie Nostra Prada, the daughter of Grasland GBT Ronto Dutch was one of a kind and his loving temperment was exemplary.

Iron Jaws Rosie

Daughter of Al Aseels Sasha and Ataraxia Hesh, the son of Maestro Napoleon. Grand daughter to Jaws and Dutch on maternal side. Rosie was owned by Kaylan Abrahams from Iron Jaw Kennels. Kaylan made the povitol decision to breed Al Aseels Sasha to Ataraxia Hesh. An ingredient that proved to be the foundation for us here at Al Aseel. Rosie was serious dog but the most gentle with children.

Al Aseels Luna

Daughter of Rosie and Ataraxia 007, the son of Maestro Napoleon. Our 3:11 on Maestro Napoleon. For a long time we have want to bring certain traits into the lines we use and Luna is here with us at Al Aseel HQ. She is the foundation we have been waiting for for a long time. She is heavey bred on Piona and has one of the most unique pedigrees in our times.